The Reserve's large size and ultra-high floor-loading capacity allow for unprecendented density and efficiency in precious and rare metal storage. When opening in 2023 it will not only be one of the safest, but most cost-effective and sustainable safe storage destinations world-wide.

The facility's 5 millimeter thick onyx façade adds a second insulating layer providing sunshade, lowering cooling requirements and reducing noise for its tenants. The glass sandwiched stone produces a natural gold hue as sunlight passes through it. At night, high efficiency LED lights behind the glass produce a natural golden glow.
Solar panels on the roof produce the electricity for some of the operational requirements as well as the façade illumination and allow for greatly downgraded electrical provisioning from Singapore's largely natural gas powered grid.
With high standards and a sense of responsibility towards our shared future The Reserve is upcycling an existing logistics facility instead of building new. This avoids significant emissions from construction which make up the lion share of the global carbon footprint today. The structure is being upgraded to more than fulfill Singapore's stringent regulatory and sustainability requirements and become not only a state-of-the-art safe storage facility, but a Green Mark building and architectural highlight.